Google+ mobile site takes cues from Android, iPhone apps

The new design looks quite similar to those found in Android and iOS, but don't expect to find a native iPad application for Google+ just yet.

Although Google has yet to deliver the native iPad app for which Google+ users have been hoping, the company offered the next best thing in an update yesterday.

Google+ users that head over to the service's mobile Web site from their browser will find that it comes with a new design that closely resembles native applications running on the iPhone and Android-based devices. The new site lets users flip through content in their stream, find out what others are writing in their posts, and share their own updates.

According to The Verge, the browser-based version lacks some notable features found in native apps for smartphones, including the ability to upload images from the app. However, just about all the other functionality one would expect from Google+ is present.

For current Google+ application users, the improvements probably won't do much to make them want to try out the new interface. iPad owners, on the other hand, might be pleased with the improvements, since they don't have a native application that they can access from their device. Instead, they've been forced to use Google+ from the browser or download the iPhone app, which only doubles in resolution on the iPad.

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iPhone Application Development

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